Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First Day, First Class at NITIE

Exactly a year back, when I was preparing for CAT and NITIE was one of the dream B-Schools that I wished to be in. And when the dream came true, I pleasantly wondered how my classes would be like. But, even in the happiest of my dreams I could not have asked for a better start at NITIE.
First day, first class and I could not believe that there could be a class as chilled out as it turned out to be.

Started with Soft spunch balls, having the globe imprinted on it, flying and hitting people, a plastic toy passing from one person to another, people clicking photographs at will, a peom recited, songs sung and what not !!

However, more than the fun in the classroom, it was the learning that I got which was more enthralling. Dr. Mandi listing down the priorities with “MONEY” being the foremost priority seemed so much practical. The concept of “Aaj ki roti aaj hi kamaana” and “Socho becho, becho seekho, seekho socho “ are two of the best thoughts that I have ever come across.

In addition, the opportunity cost, the amount that the students turned down to come to NITIE, was calculated to around 15 lakhs, which turned out to be Rs. 2500/- per day :O :O. I had never before realized my value in terms of Money.

And as I approach the end of my FIRST BLOG EVER, I recall another learning that I got from the first class: “If each one of us start writing blogs on our field of study, those blogs can be used to educate millions of people across the globe.”


  1. Good post Huzefa.. Some true facts there.. All the best for your MBA! :)
    Now i am also planning to write some posts that can help educate people around the globe..

  2. very true and apt... here's hoping every one gets to fulfill their dream like you... :)

  3. Nice write man...very well expressed the first touch of your dream..all the very best and hope to see more blogs from you :)
